Recommended place to stay:
Gilpin Hotel & Lake House
Windermere, Cumbria, United Kingdom (UK)
- https://thegilpin.co.uk
Official star rating:

For many years a classic Lakeland country house hotel, these days Gilpin Hotel & Lake House feels decidedly more adventurous. There are still cosy, comfy rooms in the lovely old Edwardian house if that’s what you’re after, but it’s the modern additions that are most exciting: most rooms have their own hot tubs, and the more recent Scandi-style suites dotted around the Gilpin Hotel grounds have their own private spa, sauna and cocktail bar.
Just a mile down the road on a separate 100-acre private estate is Gilpin Lake House, where just 6 bedrooms share the private lake, boat house, spa treatment room, hot tubs, saunas, and swimming pool.; it’s a stunning private paradise.
They have three fine restaurants: the Michelin-starred SOURCE at Gilpin Hotel and the adjacent pan-Asian Gilpin Spice; on the Lake House Estate you will find Knipe Grill at Gilpin Lake House. Gilpin will transport you to all three restaurants from wherever you’re staying.
Surrounding area
Squirrelled away in wooded gardens just a short drive from Lake Windermere, the Gilpin manages to maintain an air of tranquillity whilst being within walking distance (two miles) of the lakefront.
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