Travel bucket list idea:
Santo Domingo de la Calzada
La Rioja, Spain

Credit Lasse Ansaharju / Shutterstock.com
Last updated: 06 February, 2024
An important stop along the pilgrim’s route through Spain, the Camino de Santiago, La Calzada grew up as an aristocratic little town around its elegant 12th-century cathedral.
The town is a treasure trove of Spanish art and architecture, with monasteries (one is now a parador or luxury hotel), Medieval and Renaissance churches and palaces, and – just outside town – the Rioja Botanical Gardens.
Don’t miss
The cathedral is home to two white chickens in a Gothic henhouse, recalling the miracle of the roast chickens that flew away.
Price: Free
Minimum age: 0
Age suitable: 18+
When: All year around