Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
One of Italy’s most popular sights, this astonishingly beautiful belltower dates back to 1173. An architectural marvel at the time, the tower was doomed from the outset, having been built on unstable sand and clay.
It began to lean once the third storey was completed; work was suspended for a hundred years, with the tower only being completed in the late 14th century. It housed seven bells, one for each musical note, and eventually reached a height of just over 58m.
In 1993, at 15 feet off the vertical, the tower seemed so close to collapse that an expensive rescue bid was made involving vast counterweights, steel cables and lots of digging. It worked to a degree; the building is once again safe and open to the public (but with enough lean to keep the hordes coming).
The still-famously titling tower still attracts millions of visitors a year, for the unnerving climb up its 293 steps.
Adult price: £15
Good for age: 13+