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Art in Venice’s Scuole

  • Venice, Veneto, Italy

Last updated: 29 March, 2024

Venice’s scuole (schools) were established from the 13th century by the patrician class, partly as religious and charitable institutions, partly as guilds and confraternities, that had members from all walks of society.

By the 15th century, there were some 400 minor scuole and six more important, powerful ‘Scuole Grandi’ which commissioned the great artists of the day to beautify their headquarters. Carpaccio, for example, decorated San Giorgio agli Schiavoni and Tintoretto San Rocco.



Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

  • Venice, Veneto, Italy

Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista


Founded in 1261, the oldest scuola grande has a beautiful carved portal by Pietro Lombardo. Climb Mauro Codusso’s superb double ramp staircase to see the upper rooms decorated by Tiepolo’s son Giandomenico and others. The best paintings originally commissioned from Carpaccio and Bellini are now in the Accademia.

Adult price: £4

Good for age: 18+

Scuola Grande di San Marco

  • Venice, Veneto, Italy

Scuola Grande di San Marco


This Renaissance confection built in 1495 is partly occupied by a hospital, but several restored rooms are open to the public. The facade sports trompe-l’oeil panels and the chapter house has a fabulous gilded coffered ceiling and houses cases containing ancient manuscripts and historical hospital records.

Adult price: £7

Good for age: 18+

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

  • Venice, Veneto, Italy

Scuola Grande di San Rocco


The richest of the six Scuole Grandi, San Rocco commissioned Tintoretto to decorate its headquarters in 1564: he spent 23 years on his masterwork resulting in fabulous paintings filling walls and ceilings such as the Crucifixion, Annunciation and Flight into Egypt.

Good for age: 18+

Scuola San Giorgio degli Schiavoni

  • Venice, Veneto, Italy

Scuola San Giorgio degli Schiavoni


The jewelbox-like Scuola Grande of St George of the Slaves houses one of Vittore Carpaccio’s best known painting cycles, illustrating the lives of saints George, Tryphone and Jerome (1502). These delightful, colourful works are full of vivid detail such as the little dog in St Augustine’s study.

Adult price: £4

Good for age: 18+


Price from: £-
Minimum age: 0
Age suitable: 18+
When: All year around